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Carl was Iowa Farm Sanctuary’s first cow resident. Before coming to the sanctuary, he had a pretty rough start in life. When he was just two days old, he was taken from his mother and sent to auction to be sold into the veal industry. Carl was incredibly ill, which is what actually saved him that day at the auction. An animal must be able to walk onto the auction floor, and he was too weak to do so. Carl wasn’t out of the woods when he arrived at IFS. He required around the clock attention and needed multiple bottles of milk and electrolytes daily. Even with this constant care, our local veterinarians gave Carl a 50/50 chance of survival. Carl did survive, and he thrived at Iowa Farm Sanctuary for nearly 5 years. He spent his days with other rescued residents and made plenty of friends. Carl was one of a kind. He always wanted to be front and center for volunteers and visitors, and he loved his human parents, Shawn and Jered.