

The dairy farm Edgewood lived at was closing down when he was a newborn. Desperate to save him, a compassionate dairy worker emptied her pockets to stop him from becoming veal. She paid $60 to save his precious life.

Edgewood’s rescue wasn’t planned; it was an impulse—the human urge to prevent suffering is so strong. Not knowing what to do with the tiny calf she just rescued, Edgewood’s human took him home to live in her mom’s garage. A garage is not an ideal place for a calf to live, but the alternative was a death sentence, so they made do.

Edgewood lived the first few months of his life in the dark garage, and his human did the very best she could for him. Eventually, his caregiver had to leave home for residential rehabilitation, and her mom said Edgewood wouldn’t be able to stay in her garage.

Edgewood’s human made arrangements for him to stay at the dairy farm she works at while she was in treatment, but once she returned home, his time was up—if he didn’t find a new home right away, he was going to be sent to auction or slaughter. As soon as we heard Edgewood’s story, we knew we had to help. As soon as he found his forever home with us, he was the happy, deeply loved, and impossibly sweet member of the IFS family whom we now miss so much! Even though his time with us wasn’t enough, we are so glad that Edgewood was able to enjoy blue skies and green pastures for as far as the eyes can see.