
Sponsored by
Priscilla Muhlenkamp,
Elizabeth Elder,
Somali Basu

Rudy was born into the beef industry, where he was regarded as nothing more than a potential profit. Because of this, he was left out in the freezing cold as a newborn to suffer devastating frostbite. Rudy was deprived of medical care and left in terrible pain for weeks on end, as parts of his body began to fall off and expose raw flesh; he even lost an entire hind hoof.

We tried so hard to find this sweet boy a forever home at another sanctuary, as the limitations of our infrastructure had us at full capacity, but there just wasn’t space for him anywhere else either. And sadly, time had run out for Rudy. So, we brought him home to IFS. This precious baby didn’t deserve to die, and if we had walked away, that soon would have been his fate. 

Rudy was in so much pain when he came into our care, and we rushed him to Iowa State University for evaluation and treatment. Today, he’s safe and sound, and loving his new life at the sanctuary, where he’s showered with love, warmth, and affection. All this precious boy wants is to be snuggled by his caregivers. He’s so incredibly innocent, and we truly cannot believe that anyone would let him suffer the way he did. We’re so deeply thankful that Rudy has a safe forever home here at IFS.

Sponsor Rudy for a Year
$78.00 every month
Sponsor Rudy for a Month
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